It’s not often that you leave your home for days or even weeks at a time and in the event that you do, there are some preparations that are necessary to protect it. Because long trips like camping expeditions into the wilderness aren’t commonplace, they generally involve more home maintenance than just setting a few light timers. In fact, if you’re going to be gone for a few days in peak seasons like spring or summer, your house could use a little bit of attention to its exterior to prepare it for your long absence.
Believe it or not, one of the most common hardships that plagues homeowners who go away camping or RVing isn’t theft or fire: it’s damage to the exterior of the home. When you’re gone for five, six or even seven days, you’re unable to watch for signs that may indicate potential issues waiting to befall your home. That low hanging tree branch, for example, could finally snap and fall into your home or a sudden severe downpour could create gutter issues that build up to flood your roof.
Now, you may be thinking, “these issues could happen at any time, what makes them so dangerous during the time that I’m away?” The answer to this is your ability to act and react to adverse situations. If you’re miles and miles away on a camping trip, you won’t be able to get in touch with Calgary general contractors regarding any issues that might need immediate attention. Or, worse, you might not be aware that there are any issues until you return home and by then, the damage could be extremely disastrous!
The best thing to do at the start of any peak season is to have your home inspected by Calgary general contractors. From your roof to your siding and everything in between, it’s worth knowing the state of your home’s exterior, just so you can be aware of anything that could become an issue in the event of harsh weathering. And, if you happen to have your home inspected right before you take off on an RV road trip, you’ll have all the more confidence in your home’s ability to stand strong without you for a week or more.
Giving your home the run down will also allow you to get any problems fixed before you hit the road. Say, for example, a Calgary general contractor finds that your siding is cracked in several spots and the potential for water and moisture to enter your home is very high. You’ll have the opportunity to get this issue fixed before you’re not around to fix it, especially in the event that a major storm blows through while you’re out of town and forces moisture into your living space.
If you really want to enjoy your camping or RV trip with peace of mind, make sure that your home is ready to hold up by itself for a few days. Aside from this, always remember to unplug your electronics, turn off the lights, lock the doors and keep the windows closed! Happy camping!